Friday 8 February 2008

The Smell of Sweet Supervillain Success!

It's a good day to be a Supervillain today!
Why, you ask? Because after a year of procrastinating, I have the opportunity once again, to get together with a bunch of people (including my trusty side-kick Tundra) and have a games evening.
Naturally I always end up smashing their Monopoly pieces and bankrupting them. But I can't help it! Supervillainy is in my blood! -Who needs Get out of Jail Free cards, when you can use dynamite and blow half the prison up, escaping in the ensuing chaos!?!-
But anyways, it's important for Supervillains to have super fun, on a regular basis. So is excercise and a healthy diet, but who ever said that Batman never get's drive-through. Even 'Super' Heroes eat junk food every now & then.
But my point is this: Supervillainy is hard work! So many minions to brainwash, so little time.
Hard work can get you down sometimes, especially when your Master Plan only reaches it's full potential after a long period of time.
When it's a long journey, each little step counts, but sometimes, your feet get tired and you need a good break.
Nothing like kicking butt in Monopoly, 30 Seconds or Snakes & Ladders won't cure.
So take a break, sit back and do what I do: terrorise others in a roleplaying game :)

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