Saturday 27 March 2010

How to steal money from South Africans & Other Such Handy Tips from the National Lottery Board

So the National Lottery Board has finally admitted what we've all known for a long time now - the CEO & other such pompous Suits do backstroke every morning at work in the company's olympic-sized swimming pool filled with R200 notes.
Either that or there is 6 BILLION RANDS worth of funds lying around somewhere instead of being distributed to NGOs & charities!
That is an insane amount of money!
We could pretty much buy Zimbabwe with that money, or at least give it out to the charities & NGOs that it was originally intended for... Which, incidentally was part & parcel of why the lottery was set up in the first place.
So since staff at the company have conveniently failed to bring this discrepancy to light looooong ago, I wonder what else has slipped their minds?