Wednesday 18 February 2009

Where oh where could my luggage be?

Despite modern gadgets and sophisticated technology that has developed over the years since the invention of velcro and sliced bread, airlines are still losing luggage, sending off peoples' precious belongings to the strange destinations in abandoned corners of the world.
But if you've ever wondered what happens to all that lost & un-claimed luggage, wonder no more.
A bunch of savvy individuals in Alabama (obviously new and exciting things are hard to come by in that neck of the woods) have devised a use for all those items that clutter the Lost & Found departments at airports the world over - they're selling the items to would-be bargain hunters.
Yehp, you can buy your lost items back, if they've been found that is.
No doubt there are some rather "interesting" items in that store, aside from the bags of travel-sized toothpaste tubes & secondhand toothbrushes available for sale...

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