Thursday 12 April 2012

The science of common sense

No self-respecting supervillain would ever shun science; it has aided many a supervillain in kicking some superhero butt & unleashing supervillainous plans on unsuspecting mortals & mere minions.
In short, science is a key implement in a supervillain's tool shed. It can make or break a nefarious plan & mean the difference between infamy, a supercool supervillain hideout, a resourceful utility belt, & a bad desk job where you pass the time with Solitaire all day long & stare at your cubicle partner's overly-large mole.
So in general I have a lot of respect for science & scientists. I think that science is exciting & inspiring; it's always pushing the boundaries of discovery & renewing itself.
Pushing the boundaries, however, does not involve telling people something they already know - specially not when it you are presented with a conclusion that is damn obvious & could be deduced through good ol' common sense.
Case in point would be the researchers at the University of California, who concluded (after spending good money on this) that people appear bigger & stronger when they're holding a gun.
No kidding guys! Give a guy a gun & I'll definitely consider him to be more friendly-looking without it. In fact, you don't need to be a scientist or a supervillain genius to figure that one out.
While money, time & effort could be spent on finding a cure for cancer, stem cell research or malaria, these guys are focusing their efforts on the painfully obvious...
Call me crazy, but I think this is one for the Ig Nobel prizes.

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