Monday 26 November 2012

The Supervillain Guide to Super Stupidity

There are stupid ideas & then there are ideas that make you wonder whether words such as 'human' & 'intelligence' should ever be applied to someone, in the same sentence.
Viewers of the recent Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York were treated to grand floats & displays, including some rather dodgy confetti - it seems that some of the confetti was made from shredded police documents, from the Nassau County Police Department's New York station.
Now if you're wondering whether someone pieced together wads of shredded paper, think again. Some bright spark (or sparks) decided to  make things super easy, by shredding the documents horizontally, instead of vertically.
Yes, that kind of special...
Unfortunately it seems that some of the documents contained banking details & social security numbers of police employees. Also found among the confetti were police reports, phone numbers, addresses & licence plate numbers.
Macy's has been very quick to point out that their confetti was made from die-cut paper & not paper shreds.
The Nassau County Police Department is "very concerned" about the incident & will be investigating it, as well as "reviewing [their] procedures for the disposing of sensitive documents".
Somewhere, someone is in a lot of hot water...

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