Sunday 20 January 2008

If you're going to be cloned...

Make sure that your clone is slightly less smart than you. After all, you don't want to compete with yourself, for world domination, now do you?
Scientists at a Californian company, have successfully created mature cloned embryos from single skin cells of the company's chief executive and an investor. Wow. Let's hope the subjects were worth cloning...
But at least this is a successful step in stem cell research. Who wouldn't want to have replacement parts available? So your heart is weak, your liver's given up on your party lifestyle or that hair loss is affecting your pull with the ladies... Wouldn't it be great to just be able to pick up the phone, call your doctor and request a new head of hair?
And what of nanobots, stem cells and gene manipulation? What if you can get replacement parts that are manipulated slightly, into looking how you want them to look? So you're getting old and your skin isn't as elastic as before. What if you could regain that youthful-looking skin and get rid of those freckles or get a tan, at the same time?
What if your beauty products were tailor-made, with your own stem cells? They'd certainly start doing the jobs they were advertised to do. Who would need a face lift or laser treatment, if your daily moisturiser could do all that for you!
Either way, I'm hoping that by the time I'm much older, I'll be able to replace or rejuvenate my rusty parts. I'm also hoping that by that time, it'll be an affordable option. Believe it or not, but Supervillainy, doesn't always pay well...

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