Saturday 19 January 2008

Is FaceBook the ultimate Supervillain?

So I've been on Facebook for a while now. I think it's a great idea, but it's also highly likely that it's evil incarnate.
There's so much information shared on Facebook; personal info, incriminating info, interesting info, damning info, useful info and downright shameful info.
From a supervillain's perspective, it is a useful tool for finding those nafty spandex-wearers. But it's also now become: the new battle ground for politicians, the place to bust bad guys, a way for over-zealous parents to stalk their kids, a convenient way to find hard evidence and a quick way to get yourself fired.
It's also the place for people to raise money for charity, encourage awareness of certain issues and debate major world politics.
And while it's a great place to see what all those idiots you went to high school, are up to, it's also an environment that has the potential to do the greatest harm to your social life and/or career. Why? Because the average person has very little common sense and posts everything up there.
Facebook could be (and in some circumstances, already is) a very useful tool.
And what of the future of Facebook? I think it'll morph into much more than just a social networking tool. It'll become the new eBay, irc, gmail, news network, dating and all-round exchange site, where anything from info, to goods to gossip, will be shared.
Maybe it'll turn out to be a great tool for organ-runners and drug-dealers.... :P
Either way, Facebook and MySpace are much like Google and the launch of gmail; markers on the evolution path of the Net. Jump twenty or forty years ahead, and the Net will be one giant social network where everything that you do, is logged, archived, searchable and available for everyone to see.
So be careful of what you casually throw up on Facebook. In twenty years time, you'll still be regretting that picture of you wearing women's underwear!

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