Thursday 17 April 2008

A note on monologuing

Rule #63 of The Supervillain's Guide to Super Villainy:
  • Monologuing is for amateurs!
If you have to spend time explaining the hows & whys of your Super Evil Plan, to your goody-two-shoes, spandexed counterpart, while they surreptitiously free themselves of the bonds you tied them up in (so that they could watch helplessly as you implement Operation World Domination), then you've chosen an idiot for a nemesis.
A question like: "Do you know why I'm going to flood every major city on the planet with septic water Captain Squeaky Clean?" is a rhetorical question. Not the kind of one you then answer yourself, giving the 'hero' a chance to break free and thwart your plan in the final moments!
I know it's hard to find an intelligent 'hero' these days, but explaining yourself over & over, can get rather annoying and dull. And a nemesis is supposed to know you, be a reflection of you, in a sick and twisted way. So if they don't automatically get why you're going to open up a portal to the world of the warring lizard men- who you've made a dark pact with to wipe out all the idiots who chew gum with their mouths open- then they're not the right person to be your counterpart!
What's the point of doing villainous deeds when you have to keep explaining them all the time? You want people to be able to figure it out for themselves, without holding their hands and spelling it out for them.
So when you pick your arch rival, make sure they have at least two braincells to rub together!

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