Tuesday 17 June 2008

Hooray for Botswana!

Well, it seems Botswana's government has gone against the current trend of "What crisis in Zimbabwe?" by condemning the recent arrests and detentions of MDC officials.
Finally someone has bothered to openly criticise Mugabe's blatant disregard for the will of Zimabweans! Why on earth has it taken so long for someone to speak out & why was the smallest of Zimbabwe's neighbours the first to do so?
Thabo Mbeki is obviously still going: "Hi Bob, I'm so glad you're holding a second election. The results of the first one were totally inconclusive, there's no way the MDC won. Of course, they won't win in this next "election" now will they? They have no hope of winning when you're rigging the vote, giving out free food for Zanu-PF voters & threatening people to vote for you. Maybe I should use the same tactics. My terms is almost finished & I wouldn't mind extending it. Seems to have worked for you."
Of course, no one ever expected the election to be fair and we certainly don't expect these next ones to be either. Everyone knows that they're rigged.
The results will probably state a small percentage of votes to MDC, just so that it appears "legitimate" to observers. Here's a behind the scenes look at the political mechanics of it all:
Bob: "Do we have the results?"
Head Zanu-PF Cronie #1: "What results comrade? I thought we were making it all up..."
Head Election Rigger: "Well, what results did you have in mind Mr Mugabe? We obviously don't want to arouse any suspicion about the vote counting."
Bob: "I was thinking of 100% Zanu-PF, 0% MDC."
Head Zanu-PF Cronie #1: "Excellent comrade!"
Head Election Rigger: "You don't think that's a little too generous? It might cast some doubt on the election results."
Bob: "Hmm... perhaps... Okay! 99% Zanu-PF & 1% MDC. That's my final offer!"
Head Zanu-PF Cronie #1: "Excellent comrade! Very clever. No one will suspect a thing!"
Head Election Rigger: "Uh..."

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