Monday 24 November 2008

A little stupidity can go a looooong way...

I can still remember those chain-mail pyramid scheme, scam & con letters that were physically sent to my parent's mail box when I was a kid.
Being young, innocent & quite naive, I would read them & think; "Wow! If you send R10 (which was a lot of money to a kid in those days!) to this guy & then send a copy of this letter on to all your friends, you'll be rich! Rich in no time at all!". It sounded so good, so easily obtainable, so interesting...
Yehp, young, naive & impressionable with a wild imagination.
Of course, my mother explained to me that it was all a scam, I gave it some thought & realised that she was right - it was too good to be true. But at least I have the valid excuse of being a kid at the time, too young to understand the ways of the world.
This woman, however, does not.
Since 2005 she has sent more than $400,000 to Nigerian 419 scammers, remortgaging her home and cashing in her husband's retirement plans, ignoring the advice of police, bank officials & the FBI - who warned her that it was a scam. -cough cough-, -choke choke-. What?!?!!!!
"When Spears began to doubt the scam, she got letters from the President of Nigeria, FBI Director Mueller, and President Bush. Terrorists could get the money if she did not help, Bush’s letter said. Spears continued to send funds. All the letters were fake, of course."

Gotta love all those stupid people in the world; how easily they fall.
I can't believe she actually thought that the President of the United States & the head of the FBI would contact an ordinary, unknown citizen regarding their inheritance money in Nigeria.
Apparently everyone warned her; family, friends, bank officials, law enforcement officials. And yet despite that, she persisted, obsessed & greedy for a huge payout of Nigerian riches. -blink blink-
Now she wants to use her story to warn others not to fall for the same scheme.
Uhuh. Likely story woman.
There's probably 2 people in the whole of America that she'll probably dissuade from falling for the schemes. The rest are probably as stupid as she is & won't heed the warnings of those around them, nevermind someone on tv.
More likely, she's probably going to tour the talk-show circuit, in an effort to pay off the huge debts she has accumulated as a result of her blind stupidity. No doubt, she'll try sell her story to publishers & TV executives, hoping that a book deal & a made-for-tv movie will bring her the fame & fortune she obsessively pursued in the first place.
Watch out for Janella Spears: Lost Inheritance coming to a bookstore & TV channel near you!
Oh yeah, I'm getting out the microwave popcorn as I write this, shaking with excited anticipation...

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