Wednesday 12 November 2008

The sun will finally set on Egoli - thank the heavens!

Yay! And again I give a resounding YAY!
I'm not a fan of soapies - I think those individuals who dare call themselves "writers" while producing those excuses for plots and storylines, should be shot, drawn and quartered.
Thankfully the world often provides a SuperVillain with the opportunity to shout out in loud celebration. Loud enough to be heard above the wails of misery from the mindless masses out there who waste 2 - 3 hours of their life every weekday, glued to their tv sets as they follow the same set of incestuous individuals year after year, in their mindnumbingly-predictable, pathetic lives.
The local soapie Egoli, that has been running for 18 years (yes, that's 18 years of utter rubbish) will finally come to an end!
No doubt something equally abysmal will take its place, but for now I can celebrate the death of a hideous apparition & hope, wish and dream that for just one moment, all those idiots who wasted their time with Egoli, will hopefully do something more constructive with that time.
But who am I kidding? If there's nothing to replace their silly soapie, they'll just turn to publications of equal value such as You, Huisgenoot and Heat magazine.

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