Friday 15 January 2010

Supervillain advice: Faking it

Getting caught is a SuperVillain's nightmare, because sometimes there is no escape from the spandexed grip of Captain Goody-Two-Shoes and his carefully-coordinated outfit & matching mode of transportation.
Sometimes, you get locked up in a SuperVillain-proof cell, specially tweaked to counteract your Super Villainous Powers where it can take ages before an opportunity for escape arrives. And if the wait is too long, you do what any smart SuperVillain would do: fake an illness or an episode of psychosis.
Which leads me to my next bit of advice - If you're going to fake an illness, don't blow the act by going on luxury shopping sprees, golf days & exclusive holidays at expensive hotels.

The Mail and Guardian Online has confirmed what every South African has known for a long time now: Schabir Shaik has been faking it all along.
The publication managed to get their hands on the medical reports that were submitted in support of Mr Shaik's parole application & from the sounds of things, they are quite telling...
Now starts the witch hunt to find out exactly who knowingly helped healthy Shaik orchestrate his charade.
Hopefully heads will roll for this one.

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