Friday 22 January 2010

Wear Yoda's shoes???

No, not that pair! Because if Yoda did wear shoes (which he doesn't btw), they'd be as old as he is & probably just as stinky - cos you know Yoda doesn't bath & you can't tell me that he uses The Force for that fresh just-been-yanked-from-my-cosy-family-life padawan smell!
So somehow (& I really am wondering how on earth this particular collaboration happened) Adidas & Star Wars have come together in the form of Star Wars-themed street sport apparel.
I must say, that as a Star Wars fan, some of the stuff is pretty cool - like the t-shirts. Of course, if Adidas can take Star Wars apparel into mainstream street fashion and make it cool, then maybe the middle-aged fanboy hermits who have been wearing pictures of Leia's slave outfit on their backs since their teenage years, can fit in a little more.
Then again, maybe not.
Either way, this is just another example of how cool Star Wars is in comparison to Star Trek.
You see, if Adidas came out with Star Trek gear, nerds would rejoice at being able to buy 10 versions of the same shirt 6 months later in a surplus store.
But there is one item from the line that scares me: the Yoda sneaker/moccasin hybrid pictured here. They're ugly, really ugly. In fact, fugly is a perfect description.
They look like something very old men wear when they go for a walk through their retirement complex. Yeah, you know the ones I'm talking about.
Check out some nice picks of what's available in the range over at or click on the picture of Yoda's Old Man Fogey shoes above, to check out the lame advert from Adidas.

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