Thursday 21 January 2010

Things to be grateful for:

1) Be grateful for the fact that the world is full of potential minions. Thankfully, there's lots of mooks too - which are always handy to have in your SuperVillain Campaign.
Unfortunately there are lots of quacks out there & so, its always good to be grateful for not having your SuperVillainous Evil Plans being messed up by such individuals.
Good examples of those individuals can be seen in the points below.

2) Be grateful for the enigma that is the human brain, for it is an endless source of ideas.

If you have ever found yourself worried about advanced alien technology that can read your innermost thoughts - fear no more!
Thanks to a US "technical writer for a government agency" there is a solution: an anti-alien spying & abduction helmet invented by a professor no less!
I've already ordered mine & I can't wait for it to arrive because my tinfoil hats are just getting too expensive to keep making & they don't last long anyways.
Finally I will have a long-lasting anti-alien thought-spying device to protect me from their probes.
I can't tell you what a difference this will make in my life, but here's an idea: about as much difference as listening to David Hasselhoff's music.

3) Be grateful for the fact that certain individuals never leave the borders of their country of origin.
A few examples of said individuals can be found here.

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